Clock is a tick-tock word—a Poetry Friday post

This month, my poetry sisters and I are taking on “wordplay” poems, which use the format “_____ is a word" as the start. Laura Purdie Salas has done many of these, and has written some how-to information that you might find helpful here. Where Laura delves deep into the interior of a word as part of her poem, even finding other words or meanings from letters, I prefer to do mine a bit more broadly.

Which is how it is that I ended up with the following poem:

Clock is a tick-tock word,

a way of holding time in its hands.

A handy word,

one that can slip by unnoticed.

Clock can be tall

as a grandfather, or

alarmingly small.

A punctual word,

lacking second syllables.

A simple word,

missing minute details.

Clock is a word that stands

the test of time.

To read the “wordplay” poems by my poetry sisters, you can follow the links below:




Mary Lee




This week’s Poetry Friday roundup is with Linda at TeacherDance.

Poetry Peeps! You're invited to join our challenge for the month of November! Here's the scoop: We're writing an Ode to Autumn. An ode is a lyrical poem, and like the ancient Greeks, modern humans also enjoy marking an occasion with a song. Whether you choose an irregular ode with no set pattern or rhyme, or the ten-line, three-to-five stanza famed by Homer himself, we hope you'll join us in singing in the season of leaf-fall and pie. Are you in? Good! You’ve got a month to craft your creation(s), then share your offering with the rest of us on November 26th (the Friday after Thanksgiving, so plan ahead) in a post and/or on social media with the tag #PoetryPals.